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Social Media Marketing: Living Up to the Hype

I have to admit that when it comes to social media marketing, I might have underestimated the power of this relatively new medium. Based on what I’m seeing, social media marketing very well might actually live up to all the hype that digital marketers have been giving...

The Marketing Power of Strategic Content Reuse

As a freelance writer, I produce lots of different kinds of content for my clients in the financial services and business-to-business sectors. Every week I write blogs, articles, newsletters, white papers, case studies — you name it and I’ve probably written it. I...

Do-It-Yourself Blogging: 8 Tips for Writing Your Own Blogs

We’ve been talking about blogging over the past couple of months and how it has become one of the most important marketing tools in the digital realm. It seems that almost every organization knows they should be blogging — but there’s often a big difference between...