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5 Ways Content Marketing Can Boost Sales and Revenue

5 Ways Content Marketing Can Boost Sales and Revenue

Unless you’ve been in a cave for the past year or two, you’ve heard about artificial intelligence, or AI. Sometimes it seems like AI is all anybody is talking about, whether it’s how computers are going to take over the world a la HAL 9000 in classic 1968 sci-fi film...
Plan Your Content Strategy Around the Sales Funnel

Plan Your Content Strategy Around the Sales Funnel

I’ve never been a pure salesman, but I am aware of one of the most basic sales concepts: the idea of the sales funnel. According to this concept, prospects begin their purchasing journey at the top of the funnel, which is the widest part, when they become aware of...
Five Content Marketing New Year’s Resolutions

Five Content Marketing New Year’s Resolutions

I’ll admit that I’m not much of a New Year’s Resolution guy. I used to make a few early in the year but I never took it very seriously and by the end of January I’d forgotten all about them. Despite my stubbornness, I realize that New Year’s Resolutions can be very...
How to Write, Produce and Use Case Studies

How to Write, Produce and Use Case Studies

Good public speakers have long known that the best way to draw the audience in is to tell compelling stories. The same principle applies to content marketing. This is why case studies are one of the most effective content marketing tactics and an integral tool in the...
How to Create Great Whitepapers and eBooks

How to Create Great Whitepapers and eBooks

At the risk of dating myself, I remember when digital publishing first came on the scene in the early 1990s. Before this, layout, typesetting and pagination were done manually by cutting with Exacto knives and pasting with glue. I can still remember watching...