(404) 314-7416 [email protected]
Newsletter Publishing: How to Write a Great Newsletter

Newsletter Publishing: How to Write a Great Newsletter

When I had my website rebuilt last year I discovered that there’s something called the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. This is a digital archive of the World Wide Web you can use to go back in time and see what a website looked like at any time in the past....
Why Newsletters Are Still Great Marketing Tools

Why Newsletters Are Still Great Marketing Tools

I’m a big proponent of the saying, “If it aint broke, don’t fix it.” Just ask my wife. Of course, our definitions of whether something is broken or not aren’t always the same! There are lots of different ways to market your business, and some are more effective (or...
Five Ways to Boost E-Newsletter Readership

Five Ways to Boost E-Newsletter Readership

I sent out the first issue of my e-newsletter The Writer’s Block more than a decade ago in 2011. Since I’d been writing and editing newsletters going all the way back to my first professional job in 1985, this was an obvious step for me to take as a new full-time...
Why E-Newsletters Are Still Effective Marketing Tools

Why E-Newsletters Are Still Effective Marketing Tools

I’ve been writing content for newsletters for (gulp!) almost 37 years now. The medium has changed drastically since I started my professional writing career in the 1980s working for a newsletter publishing firm. The biggest change, of course, is the shift from paper...