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The explosion of content marketing in recent years has been a boon for freelance writers like me. The concept of blogging was just starting to take off when I first went full-time freelance 15 years ago. Today, blogs remain a key component of most content marketing programs, along with other types of content like case studies, e-books, whitepapers and social media posts.

I have worked with dozens of clients over the past decade in creating assets like these to populate content marketing programs. Over this time, I’ve learned a few things about content creation. Here are 5 tips for creating great content:

1. Generate Great Topic Ideas

This is easily the biggest content marketing challenge for most of the clients I work with. In one survey, 35% of content marketers said it’s their top challenge. And it’s a challenge that never ends because a good content marketing program requires a constant infusion of new topic ideas.

There are no shortcuts here. To consistently generate great topics, you have to stay on top of trends and developments by reading industry publications and websites on a regular basis. Keep one or more idea files active at all times, whether they’re old-fashioned manila folders or electronic folders stored on your computer.

2. Stand Out from the Crowd

Nearly one out of three content marketers (28%) say that “creating content that resonates with our audience” is their biggest content marketing challenge, while 24% say their biggest challenge is “producing original and high-quality content.” I believe that the best way to meet both of these challenges is to create content that stands out from the crowd.

Putting it bluntly, most of the content found online is unimaginative and boring. You need to go a step (or several steps) further by putting your own unique spin on common topics. Don’t be afraid to take a position on issues in your industry. Not everyone will agree with it — and that’s a good thing!

3. Reuse Your Content Strategically

I’m a big believer in content repurposing. Once you have invested the time and money into creating a piece of content, you should get as much use out of it as you can.

For example, I publish this blog as an e-newsletter and an article on LinkedIn. I have helped clients turn blogs and articles into longer-form whitepapers and e-books and convert whitepapers into individual blogs. Use your imagination to think of creative ways you can repurpose your content as much as possible.

4. Improve Your Writing Chops

Becoming a great writer is a life-long process without a final destination. You’ll never reach the point where you can kick back in your chair and say, “I’ve arrived. There’s no area of my writing that needs any improvement.” I’ve been a professional writer for more than 40 years and I still strive to improve with every piece of content I create.

Always strive to be a better writer. Maybe this means taking some professional writing courses. Maybe it means finding a writing mentor who can help nurture and develop your skills. For sure, it means writing, writing and writing some more — even when you don’t feel like. Especially when you don’t feel like it!

5. Make Sure Content is Timely and Relevant

The best content has a shelf life and expiration date. That’s not to say there’s no place for evergreen content, but the more timely your blogs and articles, the more likely they are to draw eyeballs.

Relevance is also critical. Most of what I write is targeted to the business and financial services industries. Therefore, I have to know and understand these markets inside-out, as well as niche industries within them, if I want to write content that’s relevant and useful to readers.

Make Content Quality a Priority

If your business is among the 91% of B2B companies that’s using content marketing, you should make content quality one of your top priorities. Keep these 5 tips handy so you can refer to them whenever you’re writing content.