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Content Marketing: 5 Tips for Writing Great Content

Content Marketing: 5 Tips for Writing Great Content

The explosion of content marketing in recent years has been a boon for freelance writers like me. The concept of blogging was just starting to take off when I first went full-time freelance 15 years ago. Today, blogs remain a key component of most content marketing...
5 Ways Content Marketing Can Boost Sales and Revenue

5 Ways Content Marketing Can Boost Sales and Revenue

Unless you’ve been in a cave for the past year or two, you’ve heard about artificial intelligence, or AI. Sometimes it seems like AI is all anybody is talking about, whether it’s how computers are going to take over the world a la HAL 9000 in classic 1968 sci-fi film...
Five Content Marketing New Year’s Resolutions

Five Content Marketing New Year’s Resolutions

I’ll admit that I’m not much of a New Year’s Resolution guy. I used to make a few early in the year but I never took it very seriously and by the end of January I’d forgotten all about them. Despite my stubbornness, I realize that New Year’s Resolutions can be very...