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Use Psychology to Write Better Marketing Emails

The last few months I’ve been talking about ways to improve email marketing results. I believe that great marketing emails start with great writing — which I guess is what you’d expect me to say, since I’m a writer. However, I realize there’s a lot more that goes into...

How to Write Great Marketing Emails

In last month’s article, I shared a few tips for writing better emails and got some nice responses with more tips and also some a few email pet peeves. For example, one reader said she hates it when people don’t change the subject line in old email chains to reflect a...

Writing Great Emails: Top 10 Tips

Do you remember when email first hit the scene? My first exposure to email was around 1988 when the publishing company I was working for installed internal email on our IBM 286 PCs. (Google this old PC and look at the pictures for a real stroll down memory lane!) I...

3 Rules for Successful E-newsletter Publishing

Thirty years ago, I graduated from college as an excited 22 year-old, ready to make my mark on the world. While reminiscing about those days recently, I Googled “1985 trivia” to see what was hot in pop culture 30 years ago: #1 TV show: The Cosby Show #1 movie: Back to...

Newsletters: A Non-Sexy — and Effective — Marketing Tool

When you hear the word “newsletter,” what’s the first image that comes to your mind? If I had to guess, I’d say it’s probably not something that’s very exciting or dynamic. Across the wide spectrum of different marketing tools available today, newsletters fall to the...

More E-Newsletter Best Practices

Last month, I shared some e-newsletter best practices from three of the best publishers I know: solo professional marketing consultant Michael Katz, freelance writing consultant Peter Bowerman and SEO expert and consultant Jenny Munn. When I receive their...