(404) 314-7416 [email protected]


How to Write, Produce and Use Case Studies

How to Write, Produce and Use Case Studies

Good public speakers have long known that the best way to draw the audience in is to tell compelling stories. This is what makes case studies such an effective content marketing tool.

7 Tips for Writing Stronger Marketing Content

7 Tips for Writing Stronger Marketing Content

I’ve been truly blessed to be able to make a career out of doing something I really enjoy and am pretty good at. During my school days, writing and grammar always came easy for me. Math and science? Not so much! I remember taking a creative writing class in 9th grade...

How to Create Great Whitepapers and eBooks

How to Create Great Whitepapers and eBooks

At the risk of dating myself, I remember when digital publishing first came on the scene in the early 1990s. Before this, layout, typesetting and pagination were done manually by cutting with Exacto knives and pasting with glue. I can still remember watching...

Six Ways Content Marketing Can Help You Close More Sales

Six Ways Content Marketing Can Help You Close More Sales

In my last blog I explained how content marketing is really just a fancy new term for a concept that has been around for a long time — more than 100 years, depending on how you define it. So what is the definition of content marketing? Here’s a short, simple...

Content Marketing: A New Term for an Old Concept

Content Marketing: A New Term for an Old Concept

I have worked in the content field for (gulp) almost 40 years. It started in 1985 when, as a 22-year-old with a freshly minted Journalism degree, I started working for a newsletter publishing company. This was supposed to be a brief stop on the way to fame and fortune...

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan

In last month’s blog I admitted that I’m not a big social media guy. But that doesn’t mean I don’t understand the marketing power of social media. About eight out of 10 people in this country are active on at least one social media platform, so ignoring it would be a...

How to Create Great Whitepapers and eBooks

Six Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch

Today, about eight out of 10 Americans, or 233 million people, are active on at least one social media platform. Worldwide, about 4 billion people use social media — that’s more than half of all people on planet Earth. So it’s not surprising that businesses have embraced social media marketing.

Five Ways to Boost E-Newsletter Readership

Five Ways to Boost E-Newsletter Readership

I sent out the first issue of my e-newsletter The Writer’s Block more than a decade ago in 2011. Since I’d been writing and editing newsletters going all the way back to my first professional job in 1985, this was an obvious step for me to take as a new full-time...


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