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The Rise of “Fake News” and Its Impact on Sourcing

Every since the 2016 Presidential election campaign, the term “fake news” has become part of the American lexicon. It was during this time that legitimate-looking news sites started popping up on the Internet and in social media feeds with all kinds of reports about...

8 Copywriting Tips to Improve Your Writing

I’m very blessed to have been a professional writer for my entire 30-plus year career. I knew early on that writing was my God-given natural talent, and I also really enjoyed it. So it’s pretty cool to make a living at something that I’m not only good at, but also...

How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blogs

Ranking high in the search engines is the most important marketing task for many companies, especially those that rely on Internet searches and online traffic to generate leads, customers and new business. Google “boost my website SEO” or something similar and you’ll...